Taunusstr. 8aMichelstadtCA64720Germany
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Martin D-45 VR 1997 – the flagship of Martin’s Vintage Series – an incredibly good and abslutely rare guitar If you are looking for an acoustic guitar that is aesthetically a work of art and the guitar of choice amongst legends, the Martin D-45 Vintage Series was created for you! This decked out Dreadnought is the flagship Martin Guitars. The hand inlaid pearl on the top, back, sides, and neck are in part what make this acoustic guitar special and unique. It has premium hand selected tonewoods, forward shifted scalloped braces, and antique white binding. The D-45 Vintage Series was a limited run model made only from 1997-1998. It features vintage specs that include: * Vintage style tuners * Snowflake inlays * V shaped neck * Inlaid signature of C.F. Martin IV. This guitar is in great condition with only a few marks from play and use. Overall this guitar is a stellar specimen. It has a powerful and balanced sound that is warm and beautiful that is sure to please any musician who picks her up! The guitar comes with the original case. Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklärung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren Video laden YouTube immer entsperren PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0idmlkZW8tY29udGFpbmVyIHJlc3BvbnNpdmUtZW1iZWQgd2lkZXNjcmVlbiI+PGlmcmFtZSB0aXRsZT0iTWFydGluIEQtNDUgVlIgMTk5NyAtIHRoZSBmbGFnc2hpcCBvZiBNYXJ0aW4mIzAzOTtzIFZpbnRhZ2UgU2VyaWVzIC0gaW5jcmVkaWJseSBnb29kICsgcmFyZSBndWl0YXIiIHdpZHRoPSI5MDAiIGhlaWdodD0iNjc1IiBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnlvdXR1YmUtbm9jb29raWUuY29tL2VtYmVkL3RGYmpyd2dNX1hrP2ZlYXR1cmU9b2VtYmVkJmVuYWJsZWpzYXBpPTEmb3JpZ2luPWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnZpbnRhZ2UtZ3VpdGFyLXdvcmxkLmNvbSIgZnJhbWVib3JkZXI9IjAiIGFsbG93PSJhY2NlbGVyb21ldGVyOyBhdXRvcGxheTsgY2xpcGJvYXJkLXdyaXRlOyBlbmNyeXB0ZWQtbWVkaWE7IGd5cm9zY29wZTsgcGljdHVyZS1pbi1waWN0dXJlOyB3ZWItc2hhcmUiIHJlZmVycmVycG9saWN5PSJzdHJpY3Qtb3JpZ2luLXdoZW4tY3Jvc3Mtb3JpZ2luIiBhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW4+PC9pZnJhbWU+PC9kaXY+

About D-45

The Martin D-45 is one of the most renowned models in Martin's lineup, known for its brilliant sound quality and exquisite craftsmanship. It features a solid Sitka spruce top, East Indian rosewood back and sides, and 20 frets on a beautifully crafted select hardwood neck.