London: Printed by J. Davis, for B. & J. White.., 1797. The Beginning of Sociology EDEN, Sir Frederic[k] Morton. The State of the Poor: or, An History of the Labouring Classes in England, from the Conquest to the Present Period; In which are particularly considered, their domestic economy, with respect to diet, dress, fuel, and habitation; And the various plans which, from time to time, have been proposed, and adopted, for the relief of the poor: together with parochial reports Relative to the Administration of Work-houses, and Houses of Industry; the State of Friendly Societies; and other Public Institutions; in several Agricultural, Commercial, and Manufacturing, Districts. With a large appendix; containing a comparative and chronological table of the prices of labour, of provisions, and of other commodities; an account of the poor in Scotland; and many original documents on subjects of national importance. London: Printed by 1J. Davis, for B. & J. White..., 1797. First edition…