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First edition. Pp. [i]-[xiv], 1-14, [15]-[16], 1-8, Advertisement. 1 vols. 8vo. Supplement to the 1872 Washington edition of Leaves of Grass. Uncommon. BAL 21408 Dark green cloth, grey endsheets. Extremities a bit rubbed, occasional marginal stains. Very good Pp. [i]-[xiv], 1-14, [15]-[16], 1-8, Advertisement. 1 vols. 8vo.

About As a Strong Bird on Pinions Free

As a Strong Bird on Pinions Free is a collection of verses that Walt Whitman wrote for the 1872 opening of the American Institute of Arts and Letters. It consists of various poems that reflect Whitman's unique free verse style and his themes of democracy, freedom, and individualism.