Eden Theological Seminary Bookstore
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1837 First Edition


"Twice-Told Tales" by Nathaniel Hawthorne [American Stationers Co, 1837]. A true first edition of Hawthorne's second published work. Named as the most influential work of 1837 by The Grolier Club. 4 ads + 334pp + 16 ads, as issued. Pg 93-94 has been mostly removed, there is a section lacking at the upper portion of the FFEP, the volume is well foxed, and the cloth of the spine has chipped in several places. Rear hinge starting. Good- condition and very rare.

About Twice-Told Tales

Twice-Told Tales is a collection of previously published short stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne that was duely noted for its depiction of moral allegories concerning the American Puritanism of Hawthorne's time.