76; 87, [1]; [2], 38pp. Contemporary calf, rebacked with spine gilt, portion of original leather label preserved. Boards scuffed, outside edges dented. Text tanned and moderately foxed. Contemporary ownership signature on front pastedown and p.5, occasional pencil annotations throughout. Good overall.
A sammelband of three early American editions of works by Thomas Paine, which includes the two parts of RIGHTS OF MAN, with LETTER ADDRESSED TO THE ADDRESSERS., which is considered the third part of RIGHTS OF MAN. The first part of RIGHTS OF MAN was first printed in the United States in 1791, and several editions followed in that year and in 1792; the second part first appeared in America in 1792, with a number of editions in that and the following year. This New York edition of Paine's LETTER ADDRESSED TO THE ADDRESSERS is of only two American editions of 1793, the other printed in Philadelphia. After Burke's expression of horror at violent revolution in his REFLECTION ON THE REVOLUTION IN FRANCE (1790), Paine responded with RIGHTS OF MAN, wherein he "took the argument to a higher level. With a force and clarity unequalled even by Burke, Paine laid down those principles of human rights where they must stand no matter what excesses are committed to obtain them" (PMM). The present volume contains New York reprints of these most important works, together called the "clearest of all expositions of the basic principles of democracy" (PMM). The third part consists of a bold call for a revolution in England and outlines a plan for calling together a convention for the purpose of reviewing the whole mass of British laws. EVANS 24650, 25961, 25957. HOWES P31, P32, P28. GIMBEL 66 (ref). PRINTING AND THE MIND OF MAN 241. ESTC W36944, W38607, W13296.