Donald A. Heald Rare Books
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(11 5/8 x 9 1/16 inches). (44), 311 pp., (10); (8) 343 pp., (8.) Engraved frontispiece portrait of Evelyn by Bartolozzi, 42 engraved plates (one folding), 3 folding printed tables. Contemporary red morocco gilt. The expanded edition of this highly influential book, the first important book published in England on forest trees, with numerous plates and supplemented with Evelyn's Terra (1676). First published in 1664, this work was written by Evelyn at the request of the Royal Society in London in an effort to address the problem of the fast disappearing forests and woodlands of England. 'Arboriculture was an endless source of interest and delight to Evelyn. Throughout his life he was constantly adding to his knowledge on the subject, from his own experience in the planting of trees, from observations made during his travels at home and abroad, and from other men's writings. From 1664 until 1706 Evelyn published four editions of Sylva and on each occasion the work was expanded. It contains an enormous amount of information concerning the cultivation of the various kinds of forest trees, and the uses of their timber, together with facts and anecdotes obtained from the books, both classical and contemporary. The work was a success from the start. Its publication gave a stimulus to planting in Britain, Charles II setting the example with the replenishing of the Royal forests' (Henrey, I, p. 107). This new edition is the first to contain Evelyn's Terra (originally published as A Philosophical Discourse of Earth, 1676), his notable contribution to horticulture. Henrey British Botanical and Horticultural Literature Before 1800, p. 138; Oak Spring Silva 33.

About Sylva, or A Discourse of Forest Trees