1787. [original boards, leaves uncut] London: Printed for A. Strahan; T. Cadell in The Strand; and W. Creech, Edinburgh, 1787. Original blue-grey paper-covered boards with cream paper spine and printed label, page edges uncut. "The London edition," which is to say the third edition overall (so stated, unlike the prior two) -- following the rare Kilmarnock edition of 1786 and Wm. Creech's Edinburgh edition of earlier in 1787. Egerer goes to great length to explain why this edition, though promoted as coming out in mid-1787, did not in fact meet the public until November of that year (later than pirated editions in Belfast and in Dublin) -- it had a lot to do with Creech still having many copies on hand from his Edinburgh edition. This is a remarkably fine copy, still in the original boards and label, and with the leaves uncut as issued; the spine remains atypically intact, including the printed label. The only real flaw is that the endpapers are cracked (also, leaf O3 has a…