London, 1836. Hand-colored etching with aquatint and line-engraving by Robert Havell, Jr., after Audubon. Finely framed in bird's-eye maple frame with a museum-quality 8-ply white mat. Sheet: (25 5/8 x 39 1/8 inches). Framed: (35 x 46 5/8 inches). A truly spectacular triple portrait of these beautiful ducks with an important view of early nineteenth-century Baltimore in the background. The three birds gaze warily at the viewer: one male pauses, his neck extended as he takes a drink, the second male paddles slowly in the water to keep his position against the tide with his strong webbed feet, the female looks to find a safe place to enter the relative safety of the water. In the background, the shorefront of Baltimore is crowded with buildings, while numerous sailing vessels sit in the safehaven of Chesapeake Bay. "The range of this celebrated Duck may be considered as limited on the one hand by the mouths of the Mississippi, and on the other by the Hudson or North river. The flight…