Little Brown & Company. Boston. 1929. 210 pages. Title page contains the original 1929 publication date. First edition, fifth printing. Book is tight and clean. Binding and hinges are sound. Green cloth decorated in gilt. Gilt page edges along top. Pages and endpapers are clean and bright. Rare DJ is present, with $2.50 price intact on flap. DJ show chipping along edges. A solid, attractive early copy of this classic edition, and first appearance of more than 150 unpublished poems of Emily Dickinson. As such, Emily's sister, Lavinia, kept these poems to herself; unpublished. Only after Lavinia's passing, the poems were then discovered by Martha Dickinson Bianchi, Emily's niece, and last surviving relative, who then published them. First edition, fifth printing, with 1929 date on title page, housed in the rare DJ.