First edition in English of Machiavelli's longest work, a humanist account of Florence's history from its origin to the death of Lorenzo the Magnificent in 1492. Machiavelli had worked as secretary to the Republic of Florence. After the republic fell in 1512, he dedicated much of his remaining life to gaining the favour of the new Medici rulers. In 1520, Giulio de Medici appointed him official historian, and in 1525, Machiavelli presented him with the history. In 1526, Machiavelli was rewarded with a role in the creation of a Florentine army, but in 1527, the Medici fell and he died soon after. His Florentine Historie follows the approach of prior humanist historiography. Florence's history is presented within the context of a contest between virtue and fortune. The narrative is one of corruption, decline, and fall, as party factionalism weakened the polity and the people veered from tyranny to licentiousness.
Though less theoretical than the Prince and the Discourses, the work is an important elaboration of Machiavelli's political theories. Florence offered a case study of the degeneration of a state without strong leadership, unity, and civic virtue. The work was first published posthumously in 1532 in both Rome and Florence. This English translation was by Thomas Bedingfield (1540s-1613), who interpreted the text as opposing both aristocracy and democracy and instead upholding monarchy. Bedingfield translated the work in 1588, though publication did not occur until 1595. "Prudence may have caused Bedingfield to delay publishing his Histories; although 'the end of all Histories is to moove men unto vertue' (translator's preface), Machiavelli's reputation for underhand dealings, chicanery, and atheism made it difficult to sell him to the Tudor public as a trustworthy guide to political ethics" (ODNB).
Folio in sixes, (291 x 191 mm), pp. [12], 222; 117 leaves (of 118, lacking final blank V4). Recent vellum to style, manuscript lettering to spine. Peripheral restoration (not affecting text) to initial and final five leaves, some light staining, stab-holes from earlier binding in gutter. A good copy. ESTC S113983; STC 17162.