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NY: Bantam, 2005. First edition. Hardcover. Fine/Fine. A spectacular association copy, inscribed in the year of publication by way of a thumbprint to Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, who was a friend and crucial supporter of Hawking. Hawking's second wife provides a written inscription alongside the thumbprint, as of course Hawking was unable to write by hand due to his advanced ALS: "Gordon, with very many thanks for your continued interest and support, with warmest wishes, Stephen. Thumbprint certified by Elaine Hawking, Elaine Hawking [her signature], 16 November 2005, San Francisco." Uncommon or scarce signed. A powerful association because Hawking's computer and voice-synthesizing technology were substantially provided by Intel at Moore's directive. Gordon Moore holds an early and storied place in the history of computing and Silicon Valley. Aside from co-founding Intel along with two others, he is best known for "Moore's Law," his prediction that the number of transistors…

About A Brief History of Time

In 'A Brief History of Time', Stephen Hawking attempts to explain a range of subjects in cosmology, including the Big Bang, black holes, and light cones to the non-specialized reader. His goal is to provide an overview of the history, laws, and major theories of the cosmos in a way that is accessible to the general public, without complex mathematical jargon.

Identifying the First Edition of A Brief History of Time

Look for the full number line on the copyright page indicating '1' as the lowest number and 'Bantam Books' as the publisher for true first edition.