Yuko Nii Foundation
135 BroadwayNew YorkNY 11211United States
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In 2011 and 2012 Terrance Lindall completed work on production of "The Paradise Lost Elephant Folio," a 24 k. gold illuminated 13 x 19 inch book containing 14 full-page Giclee print illustrations with hand-painted borders using Museo II paper manufactured by Crane's, which company makes the paper for our currency. The borders of the elephant folio are complete paintings in themselves. Although the border art focuses principally on elements of design, they also tell stories or make commentary about what is illustrated in the featured central paintings. The borders also are tributes to humanity's great achievements, such as music, dance and architecture, as well as tribute to those individuals and institutions and friends who have had important influences on Lindall's ideas, or who have shown substantial support or affinity. There are only two copies in existence. One is in the collection of the Yuko Nii Foundation and the other is in the world's most comprehensive Milton collection,…

About Paradise Lost Gold Illuminated Elephant Folio

A deluxe edition of John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost, this illuminated version features detailed illustrations and illuminations by artist Terrance Lindall, enhancing the grandeur of the original work.