First complete Russian translation of the book. First edition of this translation. Second and last Joyce's lifetime edition in Russia in book format. One of 10 000 copies printed. The novel was translated by 'Ivan Kashkin's workshop school'. Kashkin was the founder of his own school of literary translation. The book was published without the name of translators. They appeared in the next edition in 1982 only: M. Bogoslovskaia-Bobrova ('The Sisters', 'The Little Cloud'), I. Romanovich ('An Encounter', 'Grace'), E. Kalashnikova ('Araby', 'Counterparts', 'Clay'), N. Volzhina ('Eveline', 'The Boarding House'), V. Toper ('After the Race', 'Two Gallants'), N. Daruzes ('A Painful Case', 'Ivy Day in the Committee Room', 'A Mother'), O. Kholmskaia ('The Dead'). Most of them were contributors to the translation of 'Ulysses' to Russian in 1935-1936. This book was the last attempt to introduce Joyce's fiction to Russian readers: the next Joyce book edition in Russia appeared in 1982 only to…