Bronxville, privately printed, 1952, first edition, wrappers. Softcover.. First separate printing of this chapter from Steinbeck's big, rambling flawed masterpiece, Steinbeck writes beautifully how there is only one story -- the struggle between good and evil, one of 125 copies printed on the hand-press by Valenti Angelo, bound in limp buff wrappers, this is variant 2 with the title page containing a red and black rectangular design of leafy and bare branches between the title and "PRIVATELY PRINTED 1952" with the limitation notice on page 10 (although the pages are unnumbered), the variants are believed to be trial copies, no priority has been determined, Goldstone & Payne A32d, not recorded by Morrow, this was John DePol's copy with his spare bookplate, DePol (1913-2004) was an artist and one of America's foremost printmakers and wood engravers, his prints can be found in the permanent collections of many libraries and museums, he contributed to publications by the Allen Press,…