Rooke Books
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Londres; [London]: Not Stated, 1743. Leather. Very Good. 6" by 3.5". Not Stated. A pocket-sized edition of the collected fables of Jean de la Fontaine, in the original French. Complete in two volumes.In the original French.This edition has the fictitious address of London to the title page, though it was most likely printed in France, attributed to Cazin.A collection of the influential fables of Jean de la Fontaine.Illustrated with a frontispiece to Volume I, depicting Fontaine.The popular fables of Fontaine were collected from a wide variety of both Western and Eastern sources, adapting them into French free verse. Some of the fables include 'The Acorn and the Pumpkin', 'The Tortoise and the Hare', and 'The Dog and the Wolf'.Jean de la Fontaine was best known for being a fabulist, and was one of the most popular and widely read French poets of his time, with his popularity still strong hundreds of years after his death.Bookplate of F. Hutcheson, M.D., to the front paste…

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