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1908 First Edition


1908 1st ed Winston Churchill Big Game Hunting My African Journey Illustrated "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." ― Winston S. Churchill Acknowledging all Churchill's other accolades, we tend to overlook his claims as a writer of travel. A fine example is at hand in 'My African Journey', the story of his 1908 excursion in Kenya and Uganda. 'My African Journey' is notable for being the only book of his to have photographs possibly taken by the author. Churchill profited from his trip by serializing articles in The Strand Magazine and publishing a book. Hodder and Stoughton published 'My African Journey' in 1908, which added significantly more content than was in the serialized articles. Item number: #18965 Price: $1095 CHURCHILL, Winston S. My African Journey London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1908. First edition. Details: · Collation: Complete with all pages o xiii, [1], 226, [18] o 61 illustrations o 3 maps ·…

About My African Journey

My African Journey is the book written by Winston Churchill documenting his travels and experiences during a tour of the British Empire. In this work, Churchill offers his observations on the people, wildlife, and natural beauty of the regions he visited, particularly in parts of what are now Uganda and Kenya.

Identifying the First Edition of My African Journey

First editions of 'My African Journey' by Winston Churchill were published in 1908 by Hodder & Stoughton with a distinct cover design featuring a portrait of Churchill and red and black lettering. Typically, the authenticity of a first edition can be confirmed by checking the year of publication and publisher's name on the title page, as well as specific print run statements if available.