The German translation by Walther Puchwein. The letter forms are appropriate, so despite the fact both capital "G's seem curiously shaky, we judge this signature (author's name only, to title page) authentic. We had this copy from a bookseller in Vienna, who -- asked if he could provide any provenance -- replied "Ich tauschte mit diesem Autographensammler gegenst�ndliches Buch. Mein Kunde hat sich 4 B�cher pers�nlich signieren lassen, als er Green in seinem Haus in Antibes besuchte. Green gab nach Auskunft meines Kunden nicht gerne Autogramme!" ("I exchanged autographed books with this autograph collector. My client had four books personally signed when he visited Green at his home in Antibes. According to my client, Green didn't like to sign autographs!") Greene, of course, arrived in Antibes (near Cannes) in 1965, after being warned by Her Majesty's government that he had until the end of the year to leave the country to avoid being jailed for tax fraud -- and remained there, in a small apartment overlooking the port above the Yacht Bar on the Rue Pasteur, for 24 years, leaving for Switzerland only for the final few years of life, dying there of leukemia at the age of 82. The 1958 Joseph Mankiewicz film was originally intended to star Montgomery Clift and Laurence Olivier, but Olivier left after Clift developed health problems, leading to the eventual casting of Michael Redgrave and Audie Murphy. The 2002 Miramax version was better received, starring Brendan Fraser and garnering an Academy Award nomination for Michael Caine. Der Text dieses Buches ist vollst�ndig in deutscher Sprache. Totals 322 pp. followed by 1 pp. publisher's advertisement. Here reduced from $2,900.