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New York: John James Audubon, 1847. Hand-colored lithograph by J. T. Bowen of Philadelphia after Audubon. Sheet: (20 1/2 x 26 3/4 inches). "As long as our civilization lasts, America will be in debt to this genius." [Peterson] "This beautiful Deer is found variously dispersed over the western portions of the North American continent, where it was first noticed by Lewis and Clark, near the mouth of the Columbia River; but not until the discovery of the golden treasures of California did it become generally known to white men." [Audubon] They are a subspecies of the Mule Deer, the difference being in the tail. Together, they are still found throughout much of the West. The Black-tailed Deer are common in Northern California but generally inhabit the Northern Pacific region. This fine plate is from the folio edition of Audubon's The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America, produced entirely in the United States. The work was to be Audubon's last, and by 1846 he had to hand over the…

About Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America

'Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America' is another notable work by John James Audubon, initially intended to complement 'The Birds of America'. It provides detailed illustrations and descriptions of North American mammals.