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De situ orbis Pomponius Mela
Travel Literature


8vo (161 x 101 mm) 136 pp.,�20 unn.ll. Contemporary calf, blindstamped filet on covers, spine with raised bands (spine repaired). B. Moreau, V, 247.New edition, with the commentaries by Pedro Juan Olivar.Bound with :�1. SOLINUS, C.J. Polyhistor. Parisiis, ex Officina Luce Challonneau, 1538. 8vo, 165 pp., 13 unn.ll.�2. B�HM, Johannes. Omnium Gentium mores, leges et ritus ex multis clarissimis rerum scriptoribus. Tribus libris absolutum opus, Aphricam, Asiam, & Europam describentibus. Parisiis, ex officina Luce Challonneau, 1538.�8vo, 115 pp., 9 unn.ll.�Moreau, 743.�Interesting collection of works relating to geography.Spine somewhat unprofessionally reparied.

About De situ orbis

De situ orbis is an early geographical work by Pomponius Mela, providing detailed descriptions of the world as known to the Romans in the 1st century AD.