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London: John Murray, 1865. First edition. Profusely illustrated with fine cuts throughout, many full page, and one folding of the Falls at Zambesi at the front, large folding map at rear. Thick 8vo, in a fine contemporary binding of have brown calf over maroon pebbled boards, the spine with a simple and elegant single gilt tool beneath gilt ruled gilt lettering, page edges marbled. xiv, 608 pp. A very handsome and well preserved copy, internally very clean and fresh, the folding map with a neat support at the verso where it attaches to the stub, the binding handsome and well preserved. SCARCE FIRST EDITION. "Dr. David Livingstone, the Scottish medical missionary, is known to history as the greatest explorer of his age and a dedicated humanitarian who devoted his life to the eradication of the African slave trade. He was a national hero to his contemporaries and time has confirmed his reputation as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, of the eminent Victorians, both…

About Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries

Co-authored with Charles Livingstone, this book recounts their expedition along the Zambesi River and the discoveries they made, including geographic, botanical, and anthropological insights.