Paris: Venundantur ab Ioanne Parvo & Iodoco Badio, (colophon:) impressa sunt solertiore cura Ascensianis Anno domini MDXVIII (1518) Quinto Kalendas Iuanias. Deo Gratiae.. Very Rare and Extremely Early Printing. THE FIRST PARISIAN PRINTING AND THE FIRST PRINTING OUTSIDE OF ITALY. It includes certain pseudo-Platonic dialogues never before printed, is only the second printing of the 16th century and the fourth of all printings. Truly rare, no copy is in the British Museum and it is mentioned only in Adams. Dedicated by Ficino to Lorenzo de’ Medici this printing was reproduced from the Venetian incunable edition of B. de Choris, 1491. A COPY WITH FINE PROVENANCE. Four ownership signatures are noted on the title-page suggesting that the book traveled throughout Europe during its first 250 years of existence. One of the signatures most probably signifies ownership of the book by Sir John Cobham who had been raised to the peerage by King Charles I in 1645. Very finely engraved and…