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London: Essex House Press (Edward Arnold), 1902. leather_bound. Full limp vellum, front cover decorated in blind, spine lettered in gilt. Fine. 12 pages. 19 x 12 .5 cm. Limited edition, copy 2 of 150 printed on vellum with front cover Arts & Crafts rose in blind, and entitled "Soul Is Form." Frontispiece by William Strang. Hand colored woodcut first page initial and tail-piece and capital letters (some in gold), designed by C.R. Ashbee. "The Essex House Press was then an Arts & Crafts press par reveals more of Art Nouveau in many of the books than one would have expected from so devoted a follower of Morris." CAVE: PRIVATE PRESS, p.125 noting Ashbee's work at Essex House.

About Tam o' Shanter

Tam o' Shanter is a narrative poem written by Robert Burns. First published in 1791, it tells the story of Tam, a farmer who encounters a disturbing scene of witches and warlocks.