"The Day of the Jackal" is a 1971 thriller novel by Frederick Forsyth. Set in the early 1960s, it follows the story of an anonymous and highly skilled assassin, known as the Jackal, hired to eliminate Charles de Gaulle, the President of France. The French authorities, aware of the threat, deploy their resources to uncover and stop the assassin.
The novel intricately details the Jackal's elaborate planning, the cat-and-mouse game with law enforcement, and the political landscape of the time.
Forsyth's meticulous research and compelling storytelling create a suspenseful narrative, blending elements of political intrigue, espionage, and thriller genres.
The tension builds as both the assassin and those trying to stop him employ their skills and wits in a race against time. The book is praised for its realism, attention to detail, and the portrayal of the complexities involved in an international political conspiracy. It remains a classic in the thriller genre, captivating readers with its gripping plot and well-crafted characters.