Primera edici�n americana. Magn�fico ejemplar. En la primera hoja del vol. I, los editores dicen: "ADVERTISEMENT of the American Publishers. This work contains, in the form of a journal, a history of the Voyage of the Beagle, undertaken for scientific objects, and performed at the expense and under the direction of the British government. In his preface to the English edition, Mr. Darwin, the author, states that he compained the vessel at the request of her comander, Captain Fitz Roy, and with the special sanction of the Lords of the Admiralty. He published, after his return, a voluminous history of the expedition, setting forth in detail its scientific results. In this work he has given, besides a narrative of the voyage, a sketch of his observations in natural history and geology, presented in such a manner as to possess most interest and value for the general reader, referring those who look for scientific details to the larger publications. In its present form, it seems admirably adapted to the purpose of popular instruction and entertainment, and has therefore been included in the present series. H.&B. New-York, January, 1846". I: VII-351 p�ginas. II: V-6 a 324 p�ginas. 8, 4, p�ginas [catalogues]. Ilustraciones dentro de texto. Encuadernados en tela verde (mediados del siglo XX). Muy buen estado de conservaci�n. Sin manchas ni puntos de �xido. Peque�as anotaciones de n�mero de orden en biblioteca, en ambas segundas hojas del vol�men I y II. 2 vol�menes. 17x11 cm. Freeman 16.