Paris: The Obelisk Press, 1935. Leather. Very Good. 7.5" by 5.5". None. A Zaehnsdorf bound second edition of Henry Miller's controversial novel, published by the Obelisk Press in Paris. The second edition of this brilliant and controversial work, strikingly bound by Zaehnsdorf. Five hundred copies of this second edition were printed. Miller's 'Tropic' novels were first published by the Obelisk Press in Paris during the 1930s, due to the obscenity laws in the States at the time, which resulted in the works being banned in the country.'Tropic of Cancer' is a novel regarded now as an important work in twentieth century literature, notorious for its candid sexuality.By Arthur Miller, an American author who was known for breaking with the literary forms of the day and developing a new type of semi-autobiographical novel.This edition with a preface by Anais Nin, who helped to edit the book, and assisted financially in the publication of the work. In a half crushed morocco binding with…