Peter Harrington
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Winner Take Nothing Ernest Hemingway
Short Story


First edition, first printing, first issue jacket (quoting Laurence Stallings's review of Death in the Afternoon on rear panel). This title was Hemingway's third and final collection of stories, and contains 14 short stories, of which six ("The Light of the World", "A Way You'll Never Be", "The Mother of a Queen", "One Reader Writes", "A Day's Wait", and "Fathers and Sons") were printed here for the first time. The title derives from the epigraph of the book, ostensibly drawn from an antique book of rules for gaming, but actually written by Hemingway himself: "Unlike all other forms of lutte or combat the conditions are that the winner shall take nothing; neither his ease, nor his pleasure, nor any notions of glory; nor, if he win far enough, shall there be any reward within himself." Octavo. Original black cloth, gilt title label to spine and front, top edge red, fore edge untrimmed. With dust jacket. An assemblage of clipped previous booksellers' listings of the same title loosely inserted. A bright, square copy, spine label marked, top edge foxed. A very good copy indeed in the jacket with rear panel a little toned, extremities rubbed, shallow chips to foot of spine, couple of short closed tears, else bright and sharp. Hanneman A12a.

About Winner Take Nothing

Winner Take Nothing is a collection of short stories by Ernest Hemingway.