An uncommon first edition of this important work on Forestry. Sylva was first presented in 1662 as a paper to the Royal Society and then published in book form in 1664. It is recognised as one of the most influential texts on forestry to ever be published.
In three parts, 'Sylva', 'Pomona' and 'Kalendarium Hortense'. Pomona and Kalendarium appear as appendices to Sylva. Their full titles are:
'Pomona, or an Appendix concerning Fruit-Trees, in relation to Cider, the Making and Several ways of Ordering it'and'Kalendarium Hortense: or, the Gardener's Almanac; Directing what He is to do Monthly Throughout the Year'.
Collated: Complete with title page to each work and errata slip to the rear. Pomona has both extra 'Animadversion' and 'Paul Neile' leaves inserted as called for. Pagination continuous from Pomona to Kalendarium as called for.
John Evelyn was an English writer, gardener, and diarist best known for his diaries, contemporaneous with those of Samuel Pepys. In a near contemporary full speckled calf binding. Externally, smart though front joint cracked and hinge cracked with cords showing. Rear joint starting though still reasonably firm. Bookplate of Sir John Frederick Bt to front pastedown. Front free-endpaper detached but present. Internally, generally firmly bound. Pages bright and generally clean with just occasional spotting and light marginal worming. Licence to print trimmed to text and laid down to front blank. Very Good.