1931. Original artwork Two original drawings published within Rackham's edition of Clement C. Moore's The Night Before Christmas in 1931. The original line drawings were reproduced across pages 12 and 13. Writing to E. A. Osborne in 1935, Rackham recalled that the limited edition of the book sold out and "there was quite a fight over it. America went very strong for it". Ink and watercolour drawings generally command higher prices than pen and ink drawings. Rackham, ever the commercial artist, frequently reworked his black and white drawings and, as in this example, occasionally added detail. In this coloured version, for example, the background comprises a ridge of trees which are entirely absent in the original ink drawing. Rackham provides detailed instructions on the framing of the two drawings with a note that reads "These two can either be mounted separately: or in one mount with two openings: if the latter, the right hand signature should be covered by the mount". Each…