London: John Murray,, 1857. It surpasses in interest the most exciting narratives of modern travel and adventure First edition. Missionary Travels is one of the emblematic accounts of African exploration in the 19th century and the foundation of the Livingstone legend. He "both embodied and transcended the nineteenth-century tension between religion and science, and it was this which accounted for the scale and complexity of his career in Africa" (ODNB). The book describes the first of his three major expeditions, "in which he followed the Zambezi, discovering Victoria Falls in the process, as well as the Shire and Ruyuma rivers, ranging from Angola in the west to Mozambique in the east... During these years he explored vast regions of central Africa" (PMM). This is Bradlow's variant I: the frontispiece and plate facing page 66 are tinted lithographs by West, and the plate facing page 225 is a black and white lithograph from a sketch by Bell; the extra leaf after page 8 is…