Octavo, illustrated by Edd Cartier, cloth. Influential collection of short fiction about robots with first postulation of the "Three Laws of Robotics," a concept used for plots in numerous tales by other writers in subsequent years. Includes "The Evitable Conflict." in which machines that have made the world of the twenty-first century an economic utopia take control of Mankind's future, moving it "toward an unknown and happy destiny." - Berger, Science Fiction and the New Dark Age, pp. 36-7. Loose basis for the recent film of the same title. [Reference: Anatomy of Wonder (2004) II-49. Survey of Science Fiction Literature II, pp. 995-99]. Genre bookplate affixed to front paste down (hidden by front flap) spine ends slightly bruised, a fine copy in a nearly fine to fine dust jacket with a touch of rubbing to the corners and small patch in to the upper spine panel. The spine shows no fade and this presents as a lovely copy. (30703).