2 volumes in one. Folio. 24 x 34.4 cm. Old vellum binding, spotted. Part V: Engraved title and frontispiece, map of New Spain, portrait of Christopher Columbus, and 22 half-page engravings. Collation: Engraved title page, 92pp., repeated title page, XXII plates, double-page folding map of Hispaniae Novae, blank. Part VI: Engraved title, and frontispiece, folding plan of Cusco, Peru, and 28 half-page engravings; lacking the map in the 6th part. Collation: 108pp. incl. engraved title page, engraved double-page bird's eye view of Cusco, repeated title page with change to cartouche, 28 engraved plates. Waterstaining to the upper corner of most text pages in Part V, but not affecting the plates; light waterstaining to the plates in the top margin of Part VI, not affecting the text pages. Engraved heraldic bookplate with lions, dragon, and metal helmets. Title within an engraved ornamental border; initials; headpieces and tailpieces. Roman numeral date on t.p. contains apostrophe. Engraved title page repeated before plates: verso blank: "Praefatio" contains portrait of Columbus with 11 lines of text (p. 1): "Secvndi libri svmma et argvmentvm" (p. 3): "Novae novi orbis historiae liber secundus" (p. 5-72). Map has title: Hispaniae novae sive Magnae, recens et vora descriptio 1595. Signatures: a-h? i? A-F? (-E1 and F2; F4 is blank).
V. [Benzoni's History continued.] Americae pars quinta, nobilis & admiratione plena Hieronymi Be[n]zoni. secundae sectionis H[ist]oriae Hispanorum tum in Nigrittas servos suos, tum in Indos crudelitatem, Gallorumq[ue] piratarum de Hispanis toties reportata spolia. Frankfurt: Theodore de Bry, "1595" [but c. 1617]. Blank leaves i6 and F4. 2 engraved titles, engraved portrait of Columbus with thirteen lines of text beneath, engraved folding map of New Spain, 22 engraved plates. Bry records and illustrates the events surrounding Columbus’s discoveries, subsequent relations with the natives, and the atrocities committed by the Spanish and the native populations. Many of the illustrations have assumed iconic status, and the three maps (one in each part) are also important as landmarks in the mapping of the Americas. Church 157. VI. [Benzoni's History concluded.] Americae pars sexta, sive historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono. scriptae, sectio tertia. Frankfurt: Theodore de Bry, 1596. Engraved titles, lacking the double-page engraved map of the Western Hemisphere, with double-page engraved view of Cusco. FIRST EDITION. Church 158. Réunion des rares cinquième et sixième tomes des grands voyages consacrés à l'Amérique, en seconde édition, publiée vers 1617. Le texte est celui de l'Historia del Mondo Nuovo, par Girolamo Benzoni, d'abord paru à Venise en 1565. Magnifique illustration gravée sur cuivre par Theodor de Bry, comprenant un titre-frontispice répété, une carte de la Nouvelle Espagne à double page, un portrait de Christophe Colomb et 22 gravures à mi-page dans la cinquième partie; un titre-frontispice répété, un plan de Cuzco replié et 28 gravures à mi-page dans la sixième partie. Manque la carte dépliante comprise dans la sixième partie. Mouillures et légères rousseurs; quelques restaurations de papier, toutes marginales, hormis sur la carte de la cinquième partie, restaurée avec légers manques dans le pli vertical; titre-frontispice initial doublé. OCLC Numbers: 823867817 and 823868224 (digital only). Expertise by Expert Jean Lequoy, Librairie Giraud-Badin, Paris.