1857 AFRICA 1ed David Livingstone Missionary Travels Illustrated MAP Angola RARE "If you have men who will only come if they know there is a good road, I don't want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all." ― David Livingstone A rare 1857 edition of David Livingstone's "Missionary Travels". In this book, Livingstone describes his travel and work as a missionary to the indigenous people in Central and South Africa. Through the mid-19th-century, South Africa was completely unknown to Europeans, thus Livingstone's mission brought light to more than just spreading the gospel. The work deals with customs, languages, animal and plant biology, geology, topography, and mineralogy in Africa. According to PMM, "The geographical results of his journeys were of supreme importance and made it possible to fill in great stretches of the maps of Central Africa which hitherto had been blank." (Printing and Mind of Man 341) Livingstone discovered the Zambesi River and Victoria…