First Edition, First Printing. Paperback Original. Galaxy Science Fiction Novel No. 3. Signed presentation copy from Arthur C. Clarke inscribed: �To Fred Durant, with all good wishes, Arthur Clarke, 2nd Congress on Astronautics, London Sept �51.� Laid in is a PHOTOCOPY LETTER sent to Durant by Clarke of a 1987 typed letter from Arthur C. Clarke written to Dr. Jesco Von Puttkamer, Senior Scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. �.Just seen your press release, saying that SF never foretold TV for the first Moon landing. I don�t know how this myth started - and in fact, often repeated it myself. And then I was reminded that in Prelude to Space (1951), I�ve written: �Before they leave the ship, they�ll broadcast a description of everything they see, and the television camera will be set panning, so we would have some really good pictures, it�s a full colour system by the way.Thanks to the television link, anything that is discovered can be shown immediately back on Earth.�� At the bottom of the letter, Durant has made pencil notes, indicating on what pages television is referred to in the novel. Frederick Durant III was a rocketry engineer who later became an assistant director of the Smithsonian Institution�s National Air and Space Museum The book, itself, is in fine condition. Truly rare to encounter a signed copy in the year of publication.