VI Boselaphus Oreas - The ElandW. C. Harris
XVIII Aigocerus Equina - The Roan AntelopeW. C. Harris
XXV I Redunca Capreolus - The Rheebok II Tragulus Rupestris - The SteenbokW. C. Harris
XVII Gazella Pygarga - The BontebokW. C. Harris
I Catoblepas Gnoo - The GnooW. C. Harris
IX Oryx Capensis - The gemsbokW. C. Harris
XXI Gazella Albifrons - The Blesbok or White Faced AntelopeW. C. Harris
XXVI Tragelaphus Sylvatica, - The Bushbuck, Tragulus Melanotis - The Grysbok, Cephalopus Coerula - The Cerulean AntelopeW. C. Harris
VIIIAcronotus Lunata - The SassaybeW. C. Harris
III Gazella Eucuore - The Spring BokW. C. Harris