Mr James Watts' Pair of Toulouse Geese, Winners of Five First PrizesVincent Brooks
The Great Exhibition, Hyde ParkVincent Brooks
Mrs GSSainsbury's Black East India Ducks, Cup at Bristol, 1872 and Numerous Other Prizes Pair of Black Cayuga Ducks from birds sent for portraiture by Mr W Simpson of New YorkVincent Brooks
The Right Honble Lady Gwydyr's Pair of Silkies First Prize in "Any Variety" Class at Bristol, 1871Vincent Brooks
Mr CWBrierley's pair of Brown-Breasted Red GameVincent Brooks
Duck-Winged Game bred by Mr John GoodwinVincent Brooks
Ayam Jallak, The Finest Breed of Malay Game Cock, drawn from life by a native Chinese artistVincent Brooks
Pile Game Bred by Mr Joseph ColgroveVincent Brooks
Mr CWBrierley's Brown-Breasted Red GameVincent Brooks
Mr John Douglas's Black-Breasted-Red Game Hen "Countess" cup at Middlton, Farnworth & Manchester, 1868Vincent Brooks
The Revd ACBrookes Pair of MalaysVincent Brooks
Mr Matthew Leno's Gold and Silver-Laced Bantams First Prize at Crystal Palace and Birmingham, 1871Vincent Brooks
"The Master of Trinity"Vincent Brooks